
Transition Words

Are you looking way to improve your blog readability score? If yes, then, this blog is written for you. Straight by editing an older post and using the simple technique will improve the readability of your blog post.

Transition Words Technique.

Using transition words in your blog can help you to increase the readability of your blog copy. Therefore, the Yoast SEO readability analysis provides feedback on your use of transition words. 

Okay, So now the question comes to your mind. What are they? Why are they so important? And how should you use them?

So, let’s understand all about Transition words and their use in Blog copywriting.

What are transition words?

Transition words are words like ‘but’, ‘and’, ‘so’ and ‘thus’. They help the reader to show the relationship between phrases, sentences or even paragraph. When you use them, in writing it make easier for your readers to understand how your thoughts and ideas are connected. What more interesting, using transition words make writing more interesting and prepare your reader for what’s coming next. 

Types of transition words

Transition words can be bifurcated into several categories drew on the type of transition you want to make. There are often many words available for one transition. At times they mean the same, sometimes there are minor differences. If you’re having a struggle with the English language you’ll have to study and practice their use so that you can make better choices. 

Why transition words important to improve SEO?

Even if transition words don’t influence your SEO directly, yet they are one of the key factors to improve blog readability. Transition words make the text simple and easier to understand. 

Transition words also play a key role in structuring your text. This takes to a better understanding of your text by your readers. A systematic text helps to attract readers to your blog and contributes to improving poor readability in SEO! 

Readability Analysis

How to use transition words  

There are major possible problem areas when it comes to transition words. Let’s start with like everyone uses these words in some way. Few writers never use the words ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ and the like. Using them frequently, however, doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Using transition words effectively needs a couple of things. You have to : 

1. Understand the transition words;

2. Understand how your thoughts and ideas related to each other

3. Understand how to apply transition words properly and in context;

  1. Understand the words

Understanding the transition words is most commonly a problem for non-English speakers. However, many local speakers could also benefit from studying the less frequent ones. Anyhow, it’s easy to do. You just look for a list of transition words and study their definitions. Don’t understate it either, though! They are often quite complex and depend on context.

  1. Understand how your thoughts and ideas related to each other

In the blog post assignments, people hand in for feedback in our content writing course, we see a clear pattern. People who have a better idea of their text structure, use more transition words and do it more effectively. Usually, people just start writing and then firstly just see what happens. So what can you do? 

Firstly break down your text into an introduction part, body, and conclusion, and make sure you know what goal every paragraph delivers. Then, review your text on a sentence level. Find options to make transitions that make sense. If you handle this, try reading texts by other authors and see how they use transition words.

Concluding with, transition words are important for the readability of blog text. Transition words are very important for the readability of your text. Though, many people struggle with them. If you do, study them and see you practice a lot. Our SEO Content Writing training can help you with that. Also, make sure you’re familiar with the structure of your text. In this way, it will be easier to pick the best transition words possible.

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