
Long-tail Keywords

Do Long-tail Keywords still work?

Yes, Long-tail keywords are still important & work when it comes to search engine optimization.

Taking in long-tail keywords in your blog post can help you increase your organic search rankings and organic traffic.

In other words, focusing on long-tail keywords is a great SEO tactic.

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are those three and four more specific keyword phrases – and usually longer – than more often searched for keywords.

The keywords are very specific to whatever you are selling. Moreover, they let you gradually to get more blog traffic and to be noticed by new and motivated audiences.

92% of all words that people type into search engines are long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keyword examples

Long-tail keywords are phrases that contain modifying adjectives and adverbs. SEOs terms these adjectives and adverbs as “keyword modifiers”. Whereas, short-tail keywords are the most basic, broad categories for keywords. They’re typically only one or two words, and give no real direction or specificity to show the user’s intent.

Long-tail Keywords Vs Short – tail Keywords

Short tail keywords examples:

  • Health Insurance
  • Pizza shop
  • Used Cars

Using these short-tail keywords, we can add some more specific content and help to narrow down the search results and get to searcher intent: 

Long tail keywords examples:

  • Health insurance plan
  • Unlimited Pizza shop
  • Used Cars in Ahmedabad

How are long-tail keywords better?

Integrating long-tail keywords, it’s easier to rank than for more common keywords, as fewer website competes for high ranking in the result pages of Google. Thus, longer and more specific search terms, are the easier it is to rank.

Another benefit of long-tail keywords is that, though these keywords are used less in search, the visitor that finds your website using them is much closer to make a purchase decision.

I’m currently looking for a room in Goa to spend our next summer vacation. I started my search with the term ‘vacation Goa. After some searching, I quickly discovered I wanted to go to the Panaji and preferred a beach resort. My search continues, but now I use terms like [vacation room beach resort Panaji]. Using this keyword, I found new sites, which more closely followed my vacation wishes. 

Here, chances for me to book my vacation largely increased.

Long-tail keywords get less search traffic; still have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific.

Like, many bloggers and writers think that using long-tail keywords are only relevant to SEO, helping blog post to rank highly in Google. No, instead, it goes beyond that.

When would-be customers find their long-tail keyword search terms in your post, they’ll feel excited about your blog post.


From personal experience, I found that it’s easier to integrate long-tail keywords in blogs than in any other form of content.

Just remember that search engine optimization has gone beyond picking a few keywords and wrapping text around it. Now, you’ve got to constantly study your customers, know pain points they’re facing with and craft high quality content that will appeal to them.

Now you have a common understanding of what a long –tail keyword is. To learn & enhance your blog writing skills, join Content Writing Course,  that’ll help you with – How to find and use long tail keywords in a blog post, which of course is the next and key step!

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