
Every writer wants to improve writing readability score and grip audience, with a great writing.

But, How?????

Evidently, readability seems like a subjective measure. How can you objectively calculate it?

In 1975, J Peter Kincaid developed the Flesch-Kincaid readability formula, which actually helped the US Army to measure the reading difficulty of technical manuals, and make sure the insurance companies write policies at ninth grade reading level, in most American states.

To truly understand the benefits of testing your content using the Flesch reading ease test, let’s go over what it is, how it works and how you can use it to craft clear, concise and compelling post.

What is Flesch reading ease?

The Flesch reading ease test is a formula that measures the readability of your text. The higher the score, means – text is easy to read. The lower your score, the more difficult it is to read for audience.

Flesch Reading Score Formula

To calculate your text readability, the Flesh reading ease test follows this formula:

206.835 – 1.015*(total words/total sentences) – 84.6*(total syllables/total words)

After calculating score, check out below table to match it with a related reading level:

Flesch Reading Score improve writing Readability Score

A score of 100 means your text is very easy to read. And, a score of 0 means your text is very difficult to read. And you need to improve readability of text.

Still, no one has time to calculate an entire piece’s vocables, words, and sentences.

Well, the Hemingway App can calculate its readability for you.

Tools for Testing Readability

Hemingway App is consider to be simple and best tool to calculate your writing readability score. Though Hemingway doesn’t follows the Flesch reading ease test formula, to grade writing’s readability, The Hemingway App follows similar formula  — the Automated Readability Index.

The Automated Readability Index  formula will grade your writing by reading level, so if your content score  “8”, you write at an 8th-grade level.

As per  The Hemingway App, most people read at a 10th grade level, so try to aim for a readability score of 10 when writing content.

If you want to hold an audience, write like Hemingway

In the content marketing industry, it’s not really to win people’s attention anymore — you must hold it. But to truly engage and connect with them, showing off your knowledge and writing like an academic will only left readers confuse and disengage with your content. Instead, write a Clear. Concise. Compelling content like Hemingway did. Even if, he wrote a forth grade reading level, his writing style captive the imagination of the whole world.

Just before you start writing or editing your text, think about your readers and what  kind of content they will read. Join content writing course, improve your writing skills.

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